Friday, November 15, 2013

If We Have Equal Rights It Also Means Equal Opportunities In Life.

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People were created equal by God. As they live and grow up, some succeed, some also failed. But whatever we achieve, it’s his right to do what he wants to do in his life.
If a person is poor, it does not mean he is isolated or he his below. All people have rights. They should be treated equally. If we have equal rights it also means equal opportunities in life.
Yes, all of us are equal and we should be united. If we have unity nothing to worry about because this will lead us to progress. So we should know all our rights and we should see to it that we are equally treated equal and justice should take place so that we can achieve also equal opportunities in life in order to live happily and peacefully.


English language is very important. It helps us to communicate with people all over the world. There are many dialects or languages but we don’t understand each other without this international language which is the English language.
So it’s very important to learn English in order for us to understand each other. Through this we have progress if we can communicate to them well in order to transact or closeness business deals.
 Yes, this will unite us and leads us also to progress. We can travel around the world for business with no worries of misunderstanding because we can unite and communicate easily.